· elixir

Notes on Elixir: Bodyless Function Clauses

def func(argument)

A function head without a body clause? What’s the point in that, huh?

The bodyless function clause is something I’ve only come across recently, one of those things that I think I probably read about at some point but didn’t register until I submitted a pull request. I’ve not been able to find out much about them, but here’s a quick rundown of when you might see a bodyless function clause.

EDIT(14/01/16): I’ve added Protocols.

As far as I know, the bodyless function clause is only something used within Elixir & Erlang, and possibly Prolog. The Erlang docs give an interesting explanation of what happens when a function is called. This explanation hints at the separation of the head and body of functions and I believe applies to Elixir as well.

This explanation breaks functions up into the head and body, where the head “consists of the function name, an argument list, and an optional guard sequence beginning with the keyword when”, and the body “consists of a sequence of expressions”.

When a function is called, the function code is located, and the function clauses are checked in turn to find one where “the patterns in the clause head can be successfully matched against the given arguments”, and “the guard sequence, if any, is true”. It’s only if a function head corresponds to this that the function body is then evaluated. This gives the impression of the head and body being separate entities, the head being a kind of control mechanism that doesn’t necessarily require a body.

So, what is this useful for? The three reasons I know of for using a bodyless function clause in Elixir are documentation, default arguments and protocols.

The Elixir compiler infers function argument names from the code. If the argument name is not explicit, for instance in the case of a pattern match on a data structure, this may sometimes result in something you don’t want. If so, you can use a bodyless function to define the name you want the argument to have, the name that would be used in the function’s documentation, using ExDocs for example.

The compiler will infer the argument name for this function as hash_dict;

def size(%HashDict{size: size}) do

If we would rather it was dict we could add in an extra function head:

def size(dict)

def size(%HashDict{size: size}) do

If you are including default arguments for a function with multiple clauses you have to declare them in a separate function head:

defmodule Lorem do
  def ipsum(size, type \\ :paragraph, style \\ :lorem_ipsum)

  def ipsum(size, :paragraph, style), do: ...
  def ipsum(size, :sentence, style), do: ...
  def ipsum(size, :word, style), do: ...

In this very basic example there are 3 function clauses that have a body, and one bodyless function that defines the defult arguments for these function clauses.

My knowledge of protocols is very limited, so I’m going to leave a deeper explanation of them to a later post. What I do know is that a protocol is defined with a bodyless function, like so:

defprotocol Valid do
  @doc "Returns true if data is considered nominally valid"
  def valid?(data)

A complete complete function with the same name is then expected, by the protocol, for each data type you want to implement it for. In this case, for each data type you want to test for validity.

So, there you go, the function head, a mechanism in it’s own right, separate from the main function body. If you know of any other uses of the bodyless function please do let me know.

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