· elixir nerves

Notes on Elixir: Getting Started with Nerves

This week I got my first Raspberry Pi, so of course I set up a wicked cool media centre with it. Nah, jokes, I checked out the Nerves Project, and got blinky, the Hello, World! of embedded systems running. I had a few false starts and wrong turns, so here’s what ended up working for me.

First I had to get the micro SD card that came with my rpi2 recognised on my laptop. I use Xubuntu 14.04.4 on an old Dell Latitude E6400 that has an inbuilt SD card reader. I removed all the files that came on the micro SD card, then I spent ages formatting and reformatting on both Linux & Windows until I finally turned up something in a forum that worked. So, I had to run sudo mkfs -j /dev/mmcblk0, where /dev/mmcblk0 is my SD card, on my Linux laptop and then reformat it on a Windows laptop, sheesh. I take this as an indication that I need to spend more time learning Linux fundamentals.

Nerves has a great project called Bakeware that massively simplifies the process of configuring and compiling systems, toolchains and firmware. Unfortunately I was under the impression it was only available for Mac OSX and so I went down a long and unsuccessful road involving make. Thank goodness for the kind folks on the #nerves elixir-lang Slack channel, who sent me in the right direction.

So, to get going with Bake, we need to install some dependencies, including fwup:

~ $ sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool squashfs-tools mtools zip unzip
# install libconfuse 2.8, the version available in apt is too old.
~ $ curl -L https://github.com/martinh/libconfuse/releases/download/v2.8/confuse-2.8.tar.gz | tar -xz -C /tmp
~ $ pushd /tmp/confuse-2.8
/tmp/confuse-2.8 $ ./configure
/tmp/confuse-2.8 $ make && sudo make install
/tmp/confuse-2.8 $ popd
~ $ rm -rf /tmp/confuse-2.8
# add libsodium ppa
~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/libsodium
# install libsodium-dev & libarchive-dev
~ $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev libarchive-dev
# install fwup
~ $ git clone https://github.com/fhunleth/fwup.git
pushd fwup
~/fwup $ git checkout tags/v0.6.0
~/fwup $ ./autogen.sh
~/fwup $ ./configure
~/fwup $ make && sudo make install
# check fwup
~/fwup $ make check
~/fwup $ popd

Now we can install Bake. This involves downloading a ruby script that does the work for you. It’s worth having a look at it to see what’s in it, especially if you run into problems, it’s fairly simple and self-explanatory. I know there are plans underway to port this script from Ruby to Elixir, which makes a lot of sense.

~ $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://bakeware.herokuapp.com/bake/install)"

The script will ask you to add bake to your path, so open up your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc in your text editor of choice and pop this in:

# add bake to path
export PATH=$PATH:~/.bake/bin

And back in your terminal, don’t forget to type this: source ~/.bashrc or this source ~/.zshrc

Right, we’re now ready to create our first embedded system in Elixir! Nerves has a couple of example projects available, one being blinky, which is apparently the Hello, World! of embedded systems. That’s what we’ll use now:

# clone the examples repo
~ $ git clone https://github.com/nerves-project/nerves-examples.git

Thanks to a tip from Wendy Smoak, we can save some effort and define our target platform inside our Bakefile, saving us having to declare it every time with --target rpi2. To do this open up nerves-examples/blinky/Bakefile and add in default_target :rpi2 or whatever you’re building to, whether it’s an earlier rpi or a Beaglebone Black. The Bakefile should now look like this:

use Bake.Config

platform :nerves
default_target :rpi2

target :rpi,
  recipe: {"nerves/rpi", "~> 0.1"}

target :rpi2,
  recipe: {"nerves/rpi2", "~> 0.1"}

target :bbb,
  recipe: {"nerves/bbb", "~> 0.1"}

Now, we bake:

# go into the blinky directory
~ $ cd nerves-examples/blinky
# get our system, which can take a little while
~/nerves-examples/blinky $ bake system get
# get our toolchain, which can also take a little while
~/nerves-examples/blinky $ bake toolchain get
# bake our firmware
~/nerves-examples/blinky $ bake firmware
# now we just need to burn our firmware to the SD card
~/nerves-examples/blinky $ bake burn -d /dev/mmcblk0

So, that should work. You may need to change the permissions on your SD card for the bake burn to work. All that’s left now is to plug in our rpi2 and have our minds blown.

As far as I know, in the blinky.ex file you can comment out the Logger.debug "blinking led #{inspect led_key}" line, and you’ll end up in iex, rather than seeing a never ending loop of debug messages.

Big big thanks to Frank Hunleth and Greg Mefford.

I’ve started building a Vagrant environment for this if you’re interested, but it still has teething problems. It started out as a way to check the steps I’d taken in a clean Ubuntu VM, and the process clarified a few things, though what use it may actually be, I don’t know. It almost works, installing everything, and burning the blinky firmware for you, but not quite. One day soon, maybe.

Anyway, I’m super excited about Nerves, dust off that old raspberry pi that you had big dreams for, enlist your kids, and check it out.

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